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Ystruth Primary

T.E.A.M. Together Everyone Achieves More


PDG Funding has been spend to target enrichment activities. There has also been a focus on developing literacy, numeracy and digital competency skills.

Ystruth Primary Curriculum Summary 2022


Curriculum Statement:

A broad-based curriculum has been devised to provide all children with a wide range of experiences in order to stimulate their interest and imagination. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition of cross curricular skills through well-defined programmes of work and activities.

Thematic work facilitates progress in Areas of Learning and Experiences and supports development of cross curricular skills of; Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competency.

Religious Education

Is timetabled and taught discretely and in a thematic way where possible. The Syllabus follows the Blaenau Gwent Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.

The school follows the S.A.C.R.E guidelines for collective worship. An act of collective worship takes place in school every day, which is of a broadly Christian nature. Collective Worship may be; whole school, year groups or as a class.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from these assemblies and should inform the school in writing should they wish to do so. From time to time we invite local people to take an assembly.

Welsh and the Curriculum Cymraeg

We are proud to be a Welsh Primary School where Welsh is taught as a second language throughout the whole school and is used incidentally as part of the school day. Staff members attend courses on a regular basis to improve their Welsh. Use of the language is encouraged as widely as possible whenever and wherever appropriate. Children are encouraged to speak and follow instructions given in Welsh on a daily basis

Our Welsh heritage is brought out in our weekly assembly with a Welsh theme, St David’s day celebrations and in many parts of our school curriculum.

Sexuality and Relationships Education

This is a mandatory element of the curriculum. It is based on the development of positive, safe relationship and follows the recommendations set out by Welsh Government. The programme of work is developmentally appropriate. Parents may view the policy and discuss the teaching materials used.

Sports Activities

Our school has excellent grounds and we have a large grass pitch and two hard courts. There is a wide range of sports activities undertaken during the year where children represent the school. These include swimming, rugby, football, cricket, netball, rounders, athletics and cross-country. Any child taking part represents the school and this is recognised as a privilege equal to academic and artistic achievement. It also fosters team spirit and the development of skills. We aim to give children of all abilities the opportunity to participate in competitive events.


We allocate on average 2 hours per week in the curriculum to Physical Education and there are a number of opportunities to participate in PE in after school clubs.

PE Kit

Pupils in Nursery and Reception take part in their school t-shirt and joggers or leggings. Sometimes they need daps and other times bare feet. No jewellery to be worn.

Years 1-6

Each child requires trainers, shorts, T-shirt and a bag, all labelled with the child’s name. Sweatshirts or football/rugby tops and joggers may be worn for outdoor activities. No jewellery to be worn.

In the interests of health and safety the LA policy states that children ought to be barefooted when participating in gymnastics and creative dance and wear no jewellery.

Swimming Kit

Pupils need a towel and a swimming costume. Girls are required to wear a full suit [not a bikini] and boys may wear swimming trunks or shorts [not board-shorts]. No jewellery is to be worn and longer hair must be tied back.

Other Activities

We are committed to providing pupils with a range of creative opportunities. As a school we provide a wide variety of social and cultural activities. Other pursuits include art, music (woodwind, percussion, brass, guitar and violin), drama, choir, outdoor education and working with computers. We arrange visits to theatres and other places of interest and performing groups also visit the school.

Additional Learning Needs [ALN]

Ystruth Primary School is an inclusive school. All children in the school with ALN have access to both the Curriculum. Within every class there will be children with a wide range of abilities and staff prepare work to cater for the varying needs of these pupils.

The school works within the guidelines of the ALN Bill. We place a high emphasis on partnership between; parents, school and child. Children who have ALN may be added to our ALN register.

If the child struggles to make progress and staff and parents then the school will prepare an Individual development Plan for the child. If there are ongoing concerns identified in the Person Centred Planning Meeting and the school will refer the child to the Additional Needs Panel to ascertain if  the child has difficulties needing further additional or specialist support and the Local Authority to maintain the Individual Development Plan.


Ystruth Primary School Achieves Autism Friendly Status

At Ystruth Primary School we are committed to working in partnership with parents and pupils in providing the best possible education for all children. Every effort is made to support all children requiring provision. This includes very talented and able children as well, who may also require additional support.

The school is on multiple levels, however, should the need arise we would be able to accommodate pupils with disabilities as there is a lift and ramps available to move between the main parts of the building.

The Accessibility Plan seeks to deal with any such eventuality.

A copy of the ALN Policy is available on request at the office and on the school’s website.


More able and Talented Pupils

At Ystruth Primary School we recognise that we have more able and talented children. Individual children are encouraged to develop their attributes, skills and potential within a learning environment that embraces equality of opportunity and provision. Abilities and talents will emerge in a wide range of subjects and fields: it is important to develop the whole child. Schools and individuals can thrive in a culture of ambition and aspiration.



* More able children would demonstrate a higher ability than average for the class and would often require differentiated tasks and opportunities to learn through challenges;

* Most able children will be working at two levels above the majority of children in the class and would sometimes require additional and different provision. This would be supported by an Individual Education Plan (IEP);

* Talented children demonstrate an innate talent or skill in creative, cultural or sporting fields


The school collects information about pupils and their parents/carers on admission to the school and for specific purposes during the school year. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and security of the data collected, which is generally stored on the school’s computerised management information system. Individuals have certain rights of access to personal information held on them.

If you wish to see your child’s record please make an appointment to see the Headteacher.

