Welcome to the Key Stage 2 PPA Teachers Page
What is PPA?
PPA is Planning, Preparation and Assessment time, which was made a statutory right for all teachers, including those in the leadership group in 2005. All teachers with a teaching timetable, including heads, deputies and senior leaders are entitled to PPA time.
At Ystruth Primary, classroom teachers usually have half a day available each week for their PPA time.
To ensure consistency for our children, their teachers PPA time is presently covered by the following teachers:
Mrs Miller [She is also our Deputy Head Teacher]
These teachers will be teaching your child the following subjects through their topics during the academic year:
Autumn R.E.
Design Technology
Spring R.E.
Summer R.E.
The children enjoy learning through their topics and teachers work together to ensure their learning links to what they are already learning about in their other lessons.
We are currently working on:
Mrs Forrest Mackay
Year 5 and 6
Who's World? in RE.
A World Full of Colour in Art.
Growing Up
SRE Lessons
Miss Cornick
If you would like to know more, please contact the school and our teachers would be happy to help you.