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Ystruth Primary

T.E.A.M. Together Everyone Achieves More

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National Tests - Years 2 – 6


This year’s National Reading and Numeracy tests will take place in May. All pupils in years 2 – 9 in primary and secondary schools across Wales are required to take these tests. If a child is absent, they will be required to sit the test on their return to school as long as it is within these dates. Please do your best to avoid absences at this time. 


Why have national tests?


Schools have always used tests to check how well children are doing.  Having national tests developed specially for use in Wales means that teachers in all schools have the same information on the reading and numeracy skills of their pupils.  It also makes it possible to get a picture of national achievement in these subjects.  The tests can show where individual children might need more help to improve their skills.


What are the tests like?



The reading tests are made up of short questions based on two or more texts.  Some of the questions check how well the text has been understood, others aim to find out if children make judgements about what they are reading  Before the start of the test, children can try out some practice questions so that they will know what the different types of question are like and what they may be asked.

Each test takes up to an hour but younger children can take a break part way through.  




There are two kinds of numeracy tests.


1.  The procedural test measures skills in number, measuring and data skills.

2.  The reasoning test measures how well children can use what they know to solve everyday problems.


Each of the numeracy tests takes up to half an hour, but again, younger children can take a break during the tests.


When does testing take place?

All school are set a one week time period during the month of May to undertake these tests. Children can take the tests in classroom groups or in larger groups.


Do all children have to take the tests?

Most children should be able to take the tests, but some may need particular access arrangements.  For example, large-print and Braille versions of the tests are available for children who have problems with their eyesight.  A very small number of children may not be able to take the tests.  Headteachers will carefully consider whether to enter some children for one or more of the tests.


What can the tests tell me about my child's learning?

The tests can provide useful information to add to what your child's teacher knows about their reading and numeracy from their work everyday in the classroom.  Teachers can use the results to identify strengths and also areas where more help may be needed.  They will share this information with you at parent evenings.

However, any test can only look at a limited range of skills and abilities.  The reading tests cannot provide information on speaking, listening or writing skills.  The numeracy tests cannot test your child's understanding of space and shape.  Some children will not perform at their best on the day of the test.  As a result, their test results alone may not give a full picture of their ability. It is important to discuss your child's progress with their teacher based on all the evidence they have, rather than just focusing on a single test result.  It is also important to remember that children do not all make progress at the same rate.


It is also important for us at Ystruth Primary to remind all our children they are talented in many different ways and embrace all the ways the children make achievements at their own rate to be the best they can be. We would ask for your support in reminding your child of their special talents. 




Gwent Catering New School Menu Summer Term 2017

PDG Grant 2015-2016


Ystruth Primary School Pupil Deprivation Grant  and School effectiveness Grant 2015

  • The total number of pupils on school roll for September 2015 is 297
  • The school’s FSM population for 2015-2016 was 38%
  • This is more than the population for the previous year
  • The total allocation of PDG to this school for April 2015 to March 2016 is £90,300


The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils facing the challenges of poverty and deprivation

  • Deploy support staff for intervention groups for Literacy and numeracy across the school.
  • THRIVE sessions
  • Purchase mobile technologies to develop pupils skills in Literacy and Numeracy i.e :  I Pads and Laptops


The school’s PDG, SEG and WEG Plans are regularly scrutinised by the Governing Body, supported by advice from the EAS and monitored by the Local Authority

Attendance and Holiday Information


Community Services Directorate/Education

Cyfarwyddiaeth Gwasanaethau Cymunedol/Addysg

T: (01495) 353340            DX: 43956 Ebbw Vale

F: (01495) 313315            E:

Our Ref. Ein Cyf.                     

Your Ref./Eich Cyf.

Contact:/Cysylltwch â:            

Date: 01/09/14


                                                                                              Anvil Court, Church Street, Abertillery,

Dear Parent/Carer,

School attendance


Improving school attendance is a priority for Blaenau Gwent Council as poor school attendance can have a hugely negative impact on the lives and futures of children and young people. This is especially worrying for pupils in Blaenau Gwent where attendance rates, though improving, are still below the Welsh average.

The purpose of this letter is to make all parents and carers aware of an important change that has been brought in as a result of new legislation. In September 2013 Welsh Government introduced the use of Fixed Penalty Notices as an early intervention tool to improve attendance.  From 1st September 2014 these will now be fully operational in Blaenau Gwent and may be issued as a result of:

  • Taking holidays in term time
  • Unauthorised absence
  • Persistent late arrival at school
  • Truancy

The cost of a fixed penalty notice will be £60 per parent per child if paid within 28 days.  This rises to £120 per parent if not paid within 28 days.  Failure to pay this within 42 days will result in prosecution.

There is no right of appeal but anyone who has been issued with a fixed penalty notice can put any concerns in writing to the Education Welfare Service, Anvil Court, Abertillery, NP13 1DB or have their case heard in the Magistrates Court.

I trust that you share our commitment to all children and young people being entitled to the best education possible and, to this end, ensure that your child achieves the highest possible level of attendance while she/he is at school.


Yours sincerely,

Lynette Jones

Corporate Director Education
