Home Page

Ystruth Primary

T.E.A.M. Together Everyone Achieves More

Year 4 and 5

Welcome to Year 4 and 5!


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Croeso i dosbath blwyddyn Miss James!


We are a very hardworking class of 26 wonderful pupils. Miss James and Mrs Grindle are our teachers and like to help us. Mrs Miller is in our class for Miss James PPA time.


Here you can find out information about our class and what we've been doing. 


Remember to look at the different parts of the website and pages to learn more about our class and school.



Our Topic this term is:


World Full of Colour and Water Wonders.

Our topics include things such as: the water cycle, food chains, webs and pyramids, school life in the Victorian era and rivers of the world.


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Thursday - P.E.

Tuesday - Library.



If you would like to know more, please contact the school and our teachers would be happy to help you.

