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Ystruth Primary

T.E.A.M. Together Everyone Achieves More

Pupil Participation

Pupil Participation

  1. Pupil participation is deemed an essential part of practice at Ystruth Primary School.
  2. Building positive relationships is an integral part of our school, which is supported by Leaders, teachers, pupils and the wider school community. Through involvement in a number of initiatives, we have developed a robust ethos where all respect the rights of others and understand the importance of diversity and equality. We endeavour to engage pupils as appropriate across the school to capture the views of all pupils on a wide range of issues. The views of pupils are taken seriously and acted upon, further helping to add to school improvement plans.
  3. Pupils at Ystruth have a breadth of opportunities within and beyond the school to contribute to debate and influence decisions across a wide range of issues that affect them. These opportunities encourage pupils to develop the skills needed to become active citizens. This participation is further supported by engagement and accreditation as a school recognised as a Rights Respecting School.

Our main Pupil Participation Groups:


School Council

Eco Committee

Rights Reviewers

Healthy Helpers

Crew Cymraeg
